Gilbarco Rebuilt Gas Pumps
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At United Petroleum Equipment we sell Advantage and Encore models of Gilbarco gas pumps customized to your specifications. You can order dispensers or suction pumps as either blending or non-blending units.
The suction pump models we sell are B13, B15, B31, and B53. The dispenser models we sell are B03, B05 B07, B21, B43, B78, B79, B7C, B85, B87, and BD1. For your customer’s convenience, you may also add credit card readers. Shown below are some examples of pumps we have produced. |
Gilbarco B43 - This narrow frame, non-blending dispenser offers the capability of selling two products from each side with a total of four hoses. The B53 is the suction version of this pump. These pumps can be equipped with a credit card reader for pay at the pump convenience. |
Gilbarco B78 - This narrow frame, blending dispenser offers the capability of selling up to five products and dispensing from one hose per side. This pump is also available as a suction pump, model BA8. This pump is equipped with an optional credit card reader. |
Gilbarco B79 - This wide frame, blending dispenser has the capability of blending three products to be dispensed from one hose on each side of the unit. This pump is equipped with a credit card reader. |
Gilbarco B13 - This model is a two product, wide frame suction pump. The pump has two hoses per side and is non-blending. This pump can be made into a dispenser, model B03. Either of these models can be equipped with a credit card reader. |
Encore NP3 - This wide frame dispenser is used mainly for truck stops. This can be either an E300 or E500 model. This dispenser is capable of dispensing up to 60 GPM. Can be equipped with 1 hose, single product, single sided or 1 hose per side, dual sided. This unit can be equipped with or without card readers.
Gilbarco Legacy Dual Master - This wide frame dispensing unit is used mostly for fueling diesel trucks and can either be a single hose unit or dual hose unit. These are available as either an ultra high unit with LC meters that will dispense 60 gpm or a standard flow high speed unit that will dispense 25 gpm. We can also build these units as single product, single hose or dual product, dual hose suction pumps. These units can not be equipped with credit card readers. |
Gilbarco AC1921A, AC2921A, or AC3921A - The AC1921A is a single suction narrow frame pump. The AC2921A and AC3921A are identical looking pumps, both have wide frames, but have different capabilities. The AC2921A is a dual one product suction pump. The AC3921A is a dual two product suction pump. This style of pump can not be equipped with a credit card reader.
Gilbarco AC4921A, AC5921A, or AC6921A - These three dispensers look identical; all have narrow frames, but have different capabilities. The AC4921A is a single product dispenser. The AC5921A is a dual hose, one product dispenser. The AC6921A is a dual hose, two product dispenser. These dispensers can not be equipped with a credit card reader. |
Encore NL1 - This wide frame blending unit is capable of 5 blended grades and 1 straight grade. There are 2 hoses per side, 1 blending hose and 1 straight product (most commonly used for Diesel fuel.) This unit can be equipped with or without card readers. Also available in a suction pump. |
Encore NN1- This wide frame blending unit is capable of 5 blended grades. High product and low product blended with 1 hose per side. This unit can be equipped with or without card readers. Also available in a suction pump.
Advantage B21L- Used for Marina, Airport and commercial sites. This unit will accept card readers. This unit also is available in two products, single sided or two sided. Suction units are available. All outer panels are stainless steel. Single product single sided dispenser price $4575.00. Suction pump price $6900.00. 5% Discount on each L dispenser if ordered by March 31, 2016. Call for further information.